Pasquale De Nunzio decides to take advantage of his own twenty-year experience matured in the sector testing, by the most important international firms, to create a new company based in Italy. It is so set up SERVO2000 with the precise purpose to act as technical /commercial interface between the final client and the best European experts in the testing fields with the purpose to furnish exhaustive solutions to material testing problems, components and complex structures reducing both the time and the attainment to reach the targets . In this context he introduced in Ferrari the Krypton metrology system with his new infrared based measurement RODYM, later used also by the FIA, that allowed a simplification and implementation of the road cars vibration analysis and the accurate and quick measurement of the dimension of the whole F1 car .
As result of the change of the market demand , with clients requesting a greater involvement of the SERVO2000 not only in the specialised consultation but also in the production and assistance of test systems the company evolves from technical /commercial interface into manufacturing of testing systems. The firm begins to develop proprietary products both hydraulic and electronic.
SERVO2000 acquires the order K&C Rig (Kinematic & Compliance Rig) from the group Magneti Marelli. The order allows the company to acquire a remarkable know-how and to realise a sophisticated system for the elasto-kinematics characterisation of the suspensions with unique features in terms of technical solutions and analysis capability.
The company sees confirmed the demand of the Italian clients to have a domestic firm capable to design and manufacture directly in Italy test benches and invests further in this direction by acquiring a new industrial plant at Samarate in proximity of the international airport Milano Malpensa.
Servo2000 expands abroad by acquiring orders from the group HWA (AMG Mercedes-Benz ) and Audi. A new series of hydraulic seal type actuators are developed which are destined to numerous benches for steering gear testing at TRW plants both in Italy and in Poland.
Servo2000 acquires the order for the realisation of a test bench for clutch disks capable to apply an alternate torque of + / - 1 kNm up to 60 Hz, while the disk is rotating up to 6000 rpm, and to film the behaviour of the parts in rotation subjected to centrifugal force.
The firm gets the ISO 9001:2000 certification
Servo2000 receives from the Ferrari Granturismo an order to turn a Four Poster road simulator into climatic cell in a 12 channels bench by adding for every wheel pan a servo-hydraulic biaxial unity . All the 12 channels are controlled by computer that allows the reproduction of road time histories .
Starts the design of the new digital electronics Delta that condenses the experience of over thirty years in the testing field. Servo2000 receives from the TRW Steering Systems the order for the development of a sophisticated system o for the verification of functional characteristics of steering gears.
The basic version of the digital electronics Delta is completed and it begins to be distributed with success. The second phase starts that foresees higher level of sophistication raised through software data analysis , test build-up by means of graphical support as well as analysis and compensation of the transfer functions of test bench in order to reproduce in the laboratory real life conditions.
Acquired contract for a bank to test the friction of the bearings of a F1 car under operating conditions. The aim of the bench is to measure the friction in bearings subjected to biaxial loading (radial + axial load 30 kN each one) and axial moment (500 Nm). The maximum speed of rotation of the bearing subjected to loads is of 20.000 rpm. In addition to studies on the implementation of the bearings for Formula 1 cars, thetest bench is very useful in order to reduce friction in the bearings of all the road cars and therefore consumption of fuel and energy efficiency.
SERVO2000 launches DELTA_One the brand new single – channel digital controller that is characterized by its compactness, versatility and competitive price.
SERVO2000 holds a collaboration agreement with one of the most important Italian Certification and Behavioural Analysis Center in order to expand the types of services offered that include now tests for third parties.